Delic Announces Pending Acquisition of KWC by Peter/PetraMD - Patients Please Contact Us For More Information

Matthew H.

I cannot say enough about the experience and treatment I received from Ketamine Wellness Center, and my results were genuinely life-changing. I visited the facility in Federal Way during Aug 2018 after some anti-depressants had heightened some irrational thoughts of suicide (something I had kept to myself much of my life). Soon after speaking to Ketamine Wellness Centers intake, I quickly had a follow-up call with a Psychologist and a nurse practitioner who were able to help focus on my most troubling symptoms. Before I knew it, I had an appointment lined up for the following Monday. My experience was refreshing, and over the course of 5 sessions in one week, I was able to get my depression symptoms reduced enough that negativity and thoughts of hopeless no longer plague me. In between treatments, the nurse practitioner in charge of my care made sure to follow-up to make sure things were going well, and as always there to help keep me positive and show her support. Since treatment, I’ve been able to take on new activities, chores, and hobbies I had forgotten about, and can still feel myself improving. I still have some issues related to anxiety and other bad habits, so I have committed myself to do weekly follow-ups to help treat the anxiety symptoms, and I’m very optimistic about this ongoing treatment.