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Sustaining Good Feelings

Sustaining Good Feelings

We do spend a fair amount of time talking about things like healthy lifestyle, and keeping your good mood (or remission from depression) going. There are multiple reasons for this. First, there is good reason to be optimistic that ketamine treatment for depression can help. Second, continuing to feel your depression is relieved depends on what you do on a daily basis. Generally speaking, success in life is not about what you do on any given day, but what you do day in and day out.

Consider the following ideas:

Practice compassion. Be kind to yourself and others. We often are “our own worst enemies”. We can be highly critical and negatively judge our own actions, thoughts and feelings. The reasons for this can be numerous and varied, but the results are the same. We feel worse. So stop being critical and try some self-kindness. Treat yourself as you would the most valuable and important person in your life. Show yourself kindness, forgiveness and good care.

Learn to relax. There are many different ways to relax and calm your brain. Meditation, mindfulness, relaxation, prayer and hypnotherapy are among a few. The strategies are endless. The goal is simple. It is to quiet the noise in your head. It is to take control of your thoughts and direct them in a manner that helps you in life.

Contact with others. Decreasing your isolation helps. Being around other people can distract you from your own worries, and sometimes help you with perspective in life. It can help you with self-compassion and allow you to practice kindness and caring for others as well as yourself.

Move your body. A sedentary lifestyle is not healthy mentally or physically. Moving around offers additional stress management. Going to a gym, taking a class, or walking can also put you in the presence of others (see above).

These strategies sound simple, but are not always easy to achieve. There are pathways to success. There are “baby steps” that can help you be more self-accepting, relaxed, sociable and active. Not sure what those are?  Call the professionals at Ketamine Wellness Centers at 855-KET-WELL. Our multidisciplinary team can help you find your unique pathway to achieving your goals. The first step is to “treat” yourself to a phone call and find out how we can be of assistance to you!


Dr. Ellen Diamond is the Clinical Psychologist for Ketamine Wellness Centers.

Sustaining Good Feelings

Sustaining Good Feelings