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Resiliency - What is it and how do I get it?

Resiliency – What is it and how do I get it?

The definition of resiliency is the power or ability to return to the original form, after being bent, compressed, or stretched; or the ability to recover readily from illness, depression, adversity, or the like.  Why do some people seem to bounce back from difficult times, while others become overwhelmed and sink?  How do you know if you have what it takes, and how can you increase your ability to recover from physical and psychological problems?

One factor is social.  Do you surround yourself with positive, supportive people?  If you come from a family that is loving and caring, that’s wonderful.  If you don’t, you need to find that in your life.  Joining groups such as support programs, churches, or service clubs can often give you contact and the ability to form relationships with people who are positive and can enhance your life. If you don’t care for groups or larger numbers of people, try volunteering.  Help out at an animal rescue, assist in a soup kitchen.  When you give to others, you give to yourself.  Seek the positive and avoid individuals or situations that “drain” you and make you feel worse, hopeless or inadequate.

Another factor is looking at both yourself and life from a positive point of view.  Focus on what is right in a situation as opposed to what is wrong.  Think about your strengths as opposed to your weaknesses.  If you are trying to lose weight, for example, focus on the fact that you ate a healthy salad for lunch rather than the donut you shouldn’t have eaten.

A third factor is the way you treat yourself.  Do you practice good self-care?  Do you make sure you eat nutritious meals?  Do you give yourself time and energy for good stress management (exercise, meditation)? Are you getting enough sleep?  Are you kind to yourself and others?

If you are struggling to recover in your life from a recent event, trauma or lifetime of grief, disappointment or unhappiness, you might be suffering from depression.  Ketamine infusion therapy can help unlock the chains that are holding you back.  Uncover the inner secrets of your brain, find the keys to your success and learn how to bounce back from life’s jolts.  If you are seeking a better day to day existence for yourself as well as a better life for the future, consider talking to one of our professional counselors.  Ask if Ketamine treatments are right for you.


Dr. Ellen Diamond is the Clinical Psychologist for Ketamine Wellness Centers.

Resiliency - What is it and how do I get it?

Resiliency – What is it and how do I get it?