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Ketamine Wellness Centers Maintenance Treatments

Video: How many infusions will I need? The Importance of Maintenance Ketamine Infusions

You perform routine maintenance on your car, even if everything is running smoothly. Well, the same basic concept applies to those utilizing Ketamine Infusion Therapy to treat debilitating conditions of Depression and/or Chronic Pain.

Along with exercise, proper nutrition, and healthy sleeping patterns, routine maintenance Ketamine infusions are a critical piece in preserving a consistent mental state and continued relief. For some patients, this might mean monthly a monthly maintenance infusion and for others, it may be every few months.


Having performed over 10,000 infusions to date, we witness radical changes in our patients regularly. They are finally running smoothly but cruise control will only go so far in the path to wellness. Maintenance Treatments are an integral component of our clinical program.

At Ketamine Wellness Centers, we can tailor a consistent and effective treatment program that will yield the best results and keep you on course to getting back to living.

There is hope. There is help.



Ketamine Wellness Centers Maintenance Treatments

Video: How many infusions will I need? The Importance of Maintenance Ketamine Infusions