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Depression, Anxiety, Chronic Pain and Exercise

Depression, Anxiety, Chronic Pain and Exercise

Many of you may be questioning the importance of exercise when you suffer from depression, anxiety, or diseases with a chronic pain diagnosis. From a patient who suffers from all of these diagnoses, and as an athlete, I can help you get started and learn what exercise can do for you. My hope is to allow you a new opportunity within your own lives. Exercise does not mean going to the gym for hours and lifting heavy weights, running, cycling or even swimming for miles. Exercise can be mild to moderate to help get you moving and to help create a more positive mood.

I could get into clinical and medical research but as a patient I feel it best to give you my perspective on the power of exercise along with a healthy diet. Treating your depression, anxiety and chronic pain needs to be a complete approach. Seeking treatment and counseling is the first steps in gaining your life back. The next in your complete well-being is making changes in your diet and exercise to help your mood and pain levels. Ever since I was young I have been a competitive swimmer. My severe struggles after high school and post competitive swimming days. In hindsight, I feel that what kept me more balanced in high school was the amount of exercise and the regimen of my hectic schedule. When I left for college I did not eat well, I drank too much, and I mixed it all with taking anti-depressants. I yo-yoed on different medications and would go on and off because I never felt good while on them. My suicidal ideations become actual attempts by drinking and taking pills. It wasn’t until I hit rock bottom in 2014 that I realized that treating my diseases could not just be taking pills, it is an all-around approach. My lifestyle had to change.

Once I began treatment with KWC I began to think clearly and realized that I had to change everything. I changed my diet and was determined to get back into the pool. In June of 2014, three months after I began my ketamine infusions, I got back in the pool and back to the gym. I noticed the change in my mood and my pain levels within weeks. The exercise creates endorphins that makes you feel good, and when you are in pain, the exercise helps reduce the pain as your body adapts to it. The first month I hurt and it was not a pleasant month but I was so happy working towards what I have always loved. I am now racing again, 18 months later, and spending my days coaching triathletes. I have gotten my life back and more.

Exercise for those in chronic pain starts slow, body weight movements and getting the body moving again. For those fighting depression and anxiety, exercise can be your outlet, it is an amazing tool to have when you are having a rough day. It does not matter, whether it is a long walk with your dog, playing basketball, jogging, swimming, cycling, weight lifting and many more, the physical activity is a key role in aiding in your treatment. The exercise has kept me on track. It does not mean I do not have rough days or bad days but they are so much better and I can manage and tolerate those days much easier than I have in my entire life.

If you are wondering where to start, what to do, how to do it properly I can help. The free seminars and personal consultations being offered by KWC is where you get started! Exercise is a key ingredient and I would love to join you and guide you in taking back your life. Call today 480-788-8539.

Sara Hobbs
Certified Personal Trainer (NASM 2014)
ASCA (American Swim Coaches Association)
Level 2 Certified – 2015

Depression, Anxiety, Chronic Pain and Exercise

Depression, Anxiety, Chronic Pain and Exercise