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KetamineWellnessCenters_Depression, It’s The Little Things That Matter

Depression: It’s The Little Things That Matter

Depression: It’s The Little Things That Matter

When you are depressed, or suffering from physical or psychological pain, everything can seem like a big deal.  That is why we often need a “big deal” intervention or change to fix what feels like a sinking ship. But once the ship has sailed, and your life is back on track, how do you keep it moving in the right direction? How do you stay well?

This is where the little things and healthy habits matter when focusing on depression.

  • Care for your well-being. Get 7-8 hours of sleep nightly. Give yourself additional time in the evening to engage in healthy relaxation. Put away electronics and practice a nightly disconnect for a minimum of 30-60 minutes before bed.
  • Practice healthy eating. Make sure you eat 4-5 healthy combinations of meals and snacks daily.  
  • Move your body.  Run, play, and exercise. If possible, join a gym or exercise club.  Work out with a group or others around you. This gives you some socialization with your exercise and it increases the likelihood that you will continue to stay active!
  • Be around others. Get out among people. Learn to make small talk and casual conversation.
  • Make quiet time to reflect and meditate. Find the beauty in your surroundings.
  • Laugh. Think of something funny. Tell a joke.
  • Limit your news diet. 24 hr news stations should not be the soundtrack of anyone’s life.
  • Practice deep breathing. It doesn’t take long – just take a few deep breaths throughout the day.  If you need a structure, try to take a few deep breaths once every hour.
  • Cultivate gratitude. Make a conscious effort to recognize and think about the good or positive things in your life. I don’t deny that bad things happen, but it’s not healthy to focus on those negative thoughts. Focus on the positive.
  •  If you have time, consider volunteering. Helping others is a great way to help yourself. There are many things volunteers can do in many different settings. Life looks better when you can fulfill a sense of value and purpose.

At Ketamine Wellness Centers, we are committed to helping people for the long run, not just through ketamine treatments. We offer support and ideas to extend and maintain your treatment benefits. Call us today and learn how to live the life you deserve.

Dr. Ellen Diamond is the Clinical Psychologist for Ketamine Wellness Centers

KetamineWellnessCenters_Depression, It’s The Little Things That Matter

Depression: It’s The Little Things That Matter